
11 A teacher without any knowledge of what’s going on at home will lack context as to the true cause and may put it down to general behavioural problems. Maxfield advises that a teacher who has context from parents, can be more understanding towards students who are struggling or acting out and is able to effectively work on addressing the problems correctly. On the flip side, many parents report feeling that they are often left in the dark about how their children were behaving and what they were experiencing in the classroom. The study found that parents would like teachers to contact them if they suspected problems such as depression, cognitive disorders, truancy or drug use. It seems that the biggest obstacles in parent-teacher communication may be a lack of relationship, embarrassment about personal circumstances, or a desire for privacy meaning that the desired level of communication on both sides may not occur. Teachers and parents have equally important – although different – roles in a child’s overall development, and when working together can give the child the best possible education and upbringing. The study outlined a number of helpful and proactive ways that both teachers and parents can improve their communication, and benefit the child. Make a call Making contact with parents of students over the phone and introducing yourself builds trust and rapport. Share with them your vision of the teacher-parent relationship and invite parents to share important information with you when necessary. Send a family survey Especially for younger children, a family survey can be made into a fun activity and is a great way of collecting essential information about both the student and their family which can help you better connect with the child. Share regular praise Take a deeper interest in your students’ development and achievements and share any wins or praise with the parents. Doing this builds a sense of trust and respect in the parent/teacher relationship, and reassures the parent that you care for their child. Over- communicate Information is King! The more you can share with your teachers the better equipped they will be to help your children. Teachers who are aware of their students’ interests, talents, background and home life will have stronger relationships and are better able to serve them on both an educational and developmental level. Swap contac t details Make sure teachers are aware of the best time and method to contact you, and most importantly that they should feel free to contact you about anything important. Be proac tive Reach out to the teacher if you have a concern about your child rather than waiting for them to contact you. Teachers are responsible for many students at once, any help and guidance you can give them about your child will be greatly appreciated. For Parents For Teachers 2 3 1 1 2 3

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