
YES TO PERIOD Pos i t i v i ty NO TO PERIOD Poverty 1. QUT Study 2022 At COS, we’re committed to supporting schools in normalising periods and making period products readily accessible to every Australian student. Our initiative helps schools to promote period positivity and address issues like period poverty and insufficient access to period products. Providing free pads and tampons in school bathrooms ensures that every student has access to the necessary resources to navigate their period journey with confidence, right from the beginning. It also reduces absenteeism, stress, and embarrassment and helps to make students feel more comfortable, allowing them to focus on their work without worry. PERIOD PRODUCTS, A NEW SCHOOL STANDARD. 98% of high school students believe that having free pads and tampons at school is important. (1) 76% of high school students say their period has made them feel less able to concentrate on their work. (1) 37% of high school students said they often ‘make-do’ with toilet paper or tissue instead of pads or tampons due to the cost. (1) 38% of high school students have reported worrying about being able to buy pads or tampons. (1) 37 % 98 % , . 38 % 76 %

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