
35 INN VATE INSPIRATION FOR THE MODERN OFFICE MARCH 2018 INN VATE INSPIRATION FOR THE MODERN OFFICE MARCH 2018 INN VATE April, 2018 1300 13 52 79 Workplace Ergonomics Breaks and exercise for office workers We already know that we’re sitting too much during the day, but what a lot of people don’t realise is that even if you’re exercising regularly you may still not be doing enough to undo the negative effects of all that sitting. More and more employers are encouraging their staff to get up and move around in an attempt to improve the overall ergonomic efficiency of the company. There are a number of ways you can sneak more activity into your day without having to leave your desk and take time away from work. Chair exercises and stretches can be easily incorporated in to your daily routine. A quick Google search will deliver a whole range of exercise options that can be done at your desk and will help to reduce back pain, stiff necks and improve your overall health. With so many ways to improve health and well-being in the workplace a happy, healthy and productive workforce is absolutely possible and within reach.

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