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Women sitting at her desk writes her to do list in a paper diary

5 Benefits of Diaries in the Digital Age

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In today’s fast-paced world, Diaries & Planners offer unique value.

We live in a technology driven society where digital devices allow us to multi-task at lightning speed and “too busy” is an all too common catch-cry.  Diaries and planners have the unique ability to slow us down a little, allowing us to function more efficiently and effectively, improving our well-being in the long run.

In Japan staying organised with a paper and pen, is a long-held almost meditative cultural tradition know as “Techo (Planner) culture”. Techo – pronounced “tetch-oh”, means “handbook” and this popular tradition allows the individual to organise their thinking deliberately and even artfully. It is suggested that this practice of writing either early in the morning or at the end of the day is a helpful mind-clearing ritual, which can help to identify priorities and reframe goals in a way that typing can’t.

Writing is said to be “clear thinking, made visible”, and while the act of calendar synching on digital devices is often mindless, writing in a diary or planner offers a moment of reflection, the opportunity for deeper thought and the chance to refocus.

Here are 5 ways diaries can help you finish the day,
proud of what you’ve accomplished:

1. Clear visual reminder.
Diaries help to sharpen your focus and methodically manage your ‘to do’ list.

2. Practice self-discipline.
The discipline of making diary entries at the same time each day, can set the tone for organisation and efficiency throughout the day.

3. Improves time management.
Tracking and reviewing your daily activities can help you monitor your productivity and plan for the future.

4. Awaken your creativity.
It’s amazing how ideas can be sparked by even the smallest comment or observation you’ve noted in your diary.

5. Free up mental energy.
Keeping a diary helps free up your mental bandwidth. Get it down on paper to redirect that energy to more productive tasks.

2021 Diaries are now available for pre-order here. Pre-order now for delivery on 30th October, 2020.

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